Protolabs Network 3D Printing Trends is a quarterly update using data from 7,000 active international service providers, who create more than 200,000 3D printed parts each quarter. It’s the only industry report based on hard numbers and the most extensive overview of the latest trends in 3D printing. This quarter Protolabs Network moved to PDF format to allow for easier readability.
This quarter changes have been made to the data that is collected and analysed for the 3D Printing Trends. Firstly, Printer Ratings data is no longer historic, it’s based only on the previous quarter. The result of this is that the data is more representative of the current state of the 3D printing industy. Secondly, the most used printers are displayed, showcasing the machines that are creating the most prints globally. Thirdly, only online printers are being factored into the data, meaning 3D printing services which have the status online on the platform. Lastly the most used materials, technologies and colors in the industry are broken down.
Read 3D Printing Trends Q3-2017