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7 ways to improve moldability and reduce cost in plastic parts

Find out how to produce plastic parts efficiently with this downloadable one-page guide from Protolabs.

Injection molding requires more upfront investment than other technologies, but the cost-per-part greatly lowers as you produce in higher volumes. There are also ways to injection mold more efficiently and avoid errors that can incur extra costs. 

Optimizing your injection molding project

Protolabs has put together 7 tried and tested ways to optimize the moldability of your design and get the most of the manufacturing process. They include expert tips on achieving the ideal wall thickness, strategically designing undercuts and using multi-cavity molds to produce larger numbers of plastic parts simultaneously. 

Download “7 ways to improve moldability and reduce cost in plastic parts” (PDF). 

More ways to improve designs for injection molded parts

For further reading, find out about estimating the costs of injection molding, everything you need to know about designing draft angles, and an illustrated guide to avoiding common defects when producing molded parts. 

To get started, get a quote for injection molding.