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Launching the COVID-19 manufacturing fund

We’re opening a fund to help to ensure vital parts for COVID-19 related projects are manufactured.

Written by Tess Roberts

As the coronavirus continues to spread, medical facilities and hospitals are under an increasing amount of strain. Many organizations are lacking the sheer volume of vital medical equipment needed to treat sufferers of the virus and those selflessly caring for them.

Hundreds of people worldwide have stepped up to offer their time and expertise to design parts for this vital equipment to help patients and caregivers in need. But, for many of these initiatives, the funding and the ability to manufacture parts at scale is missing.

As a global manufacturing network, Protolabs Network can call on its hundreds of manufacturing partners across the world to produce the parts needed fast.

To make sure patients and caregivers has access to the vital medical equipment and machines needed to fight COVID-19, we’ve set up a fund to provide the money and resources to produce these parts.

If you are an engineer designing parts for COVID-19 related projects, but lacking the funds and production facilities to manufacture the parts, we invite you to apply to The COVID-19 Manufacturing Fund.

If your project is accepted, we’ll ensure you receive the money, access to our global manufacturing network, as well as expert DfM feedback on your designs.

Please note, The COVID-19 Manufacturing Fund is intended to help those lacking financial support, such as grassroots initiatives and not for profit organizations. If you are acting on behalf of a business, but do not require funding, we would still love to help you produce the parts fast, but outside our fund. In this case, please use our regular website, upload your parts directly to our platform, and note COVID-19 so that we can prioritize your order. We will still ensure you receive your parts within a short time frame.

How to donate to The COVID-19 Manufacturing Fund

For anybody who would like to donate to the fund for these COVID-19 related projects, you can donate and support these efforts on our GoFundMe page.

Protolabs Network will also be donating all of its profits from COVID-19 related projects - both commercial and non-commercial - back into the fund.

Learn more about The COVID-19 Manufacturing Fund here.